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/ PC-SIG: World of Games / PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso / 2922

Jump To: Text (22)  |  Other (8)

Text (22)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ADLIB.CFG Text File 150 693b 1991-01-06
BBS.NUM Text File 14 318b 1991-01-12
D110.SND Text File 72 737b 1990-10-17
DRAFTSMN.DOC Text File 294 8KB 1989-08-11
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 8 310b 1991-12-04
FILE2922.TXT Text File 36 1KB 1992-01-09
FILES.TXT File List 42 1KB 1991-01-19
FIXES.DOC Text File 371 17KB 1991-08-03
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 7 58b 1992-01-09
GO.TXT Text File 24 2KB 1992-01-09
GO1.TXT Text File 21 2KB 1992-01-09
MJ8514.DOC Text File 15 635b 1991-04-28
MJMIDI.SND Text File 76 786b 1990-10-17
MJVGA30.DOC Text File 1,665 51KB 1991-01-12
MS710.SND Text File 72 792b 1990-10-18
MT32.SND Text File 76 786b 1990-10-17
OFFER.TXT Text File 27 1KB 1991-07-04
OFFER2.TXT Text File 33 2KB 1990-10-29
README.1ST Text File 34 1KB 1989-11-30
TILESETS.DOC Text File 22 973b 1990-11-26
UTILITY.DOC Text File 219 7KB 1990-11-26
WHATSNEW.V30 Text File 147 7KB 1991-01-12

Other Files (8)
DRAFTSMN.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 68KB 1990-03-06
EDITHOF.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 97KB 1990-12-15
MJVGA30.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 225KB 1991-08-03
PAKTIL.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 10KB 1989-11-23
UNPAKTIL.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 9KB 1989-11-23
V01.TIS Unknown 64KB 1989-11-23
V02.TIS Unknown 64KB 1989-12-03
V03.TIS Unknown 64KB 1989-11-23